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Call toll-free: 1-800-274-0709 Fix Your Are You Still Paying Too Much For Your Medications? рекЛама Computer You can save up to 75% when you fill your prescriptions at our Canadian and International prescription service. Now! Their Price Our Price We’ll Repair Your Computer Celebrex TM Celecoxib* Through The Internet! $568.87 $61.00 Bottle A Bottle B Pfizer TM . Generics Solutions For: Affordable Manufactured By Typical US brand price Manufactured By Generic equivalent of Celebrex TM for 200mg x 100 Generic price for 200mg x 100 Manufacturers Slow Computers • E-Mail & Printer Problems Rates For Home Spyware & Viruses • Bad Internet Connections & Business Call Now Get An Extra For Immediate Help $10 OFF Call the number below and save an additional $10 plus get free shipping on your rst prescription order with Canada Drug Center. Expires September 30, 2013. Oer is valid for prescription orders only and can not be used in conjunction with any other oers. 800-969-0951 And FREE SHIPPING Order Now! Toll-free: 1-800-274-0709 № 19 [898] 05.16.2014 - 05.22.2014 Use code 10FREE 2 2 2 2 2 0000 Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Friendly Service $ $ $ 0 0 0 0 Compare Our Prices! Call us toll-free at 1-800-274-0709. Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service Off Service from 2555555 Off Service Please note that we do not carry controlled substances and a valid Technicians Mention Code: MB prescription is required for all prescription medication orders. Prescription price comparison above is valid as of May 31, 2013. All trade-mark (TM) rights associated with the brand name products in this ad belong to their respective owners. *Generic drugs are carefully regulated medications that have the same active ingredients as the original brand name drug, but are generally cheaper in price. Generic equivalents are equal to their "brand" counterparts in Active Ingredients, Dosage, Safety, Strength, Quality, Performance and Intended use. It may vary in colour, shape, size, cost and appearance. 61
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